We look forward to hearing from you.
Z E R O | C O S T | E V | C H A R G I N G | I N F R A S T R U C T U R E S
We are looking for 30 businesses throughout Dorset, Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex; who would like to experiment with a fully funded EV Charging infrastructure, enabled to allow personal usage, guest usage and monetized for client usage.
Of particular interest would be Hotels, Destination Inns, Community Pubs, AirBnB properties, Fleet Managers, Company Car Operators, and multi-occupancy residential & commercial Property Owners.
We are also interested to speak with forward thinking Academic Institutions, interesting in establishing Community Collective EV Charging infrastructures.
If successful, EV-Pow will fully fund, propose, install and remotely manage the whole EV Charging operation on your behalf. And will also be able to deliver an additional revenue stream for your business in the process. All at no risk or additional workload to yourself or your business.
The only effort on your part is to register a zero-obligation interest at this stage. Registration is free, quick & easy and we will not ask you for any sensitive or financial information. Please just complete the attached form.
We look forward to hearing from you and many thanks for reading.
M I C H A E L | S T A N L E Y | G R I M E S
Powering tomorrow. Today.